State of the Union Address

My fellow Americans– and those of you who follow American politics with a knot of tension in your stomachs and a Starbucks coffee in your fist– today we find ourselves in one hell of a pickle.

Reading the morning news, I find that we have not won the War on Terror. I place the blame for this debacle squarely in the laps of the dissidents among us. Apparently, some of our citizens did not get the memo that questioning our policies is tantamount to treason, and I regret to inform you that anyone expressing less that full support for our policies in the future will be transported to our new, top of the line, vacation housing in the midwest for reprogramming. I wish the rest of you to understand that this action is necessary for both the protection of the ill-wishers among us, and our own. Now, I am all for free speech in general, but as a war-time President I must stand by my Constitutional obligation in times of war and do my best to preserve the freedoms of the loyal and true among us. The doubt of the weak easily lends itself to radical ideals and radical action. We cannot allow the actions of those easily influenced to tread upon the security of the brave and true patriots of this great nation. Rest assured that those of us who still hold the values of our forefathers close to their hearts will see their freedom and liberty protected.

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Sunday Trivia: Polydactyly


As I am leaving town for a week tomorrow morning, but still have some time on my hands today, I wanted to post something which folks might find entertaining, but was unlikely to result in a flurry of argument which would need my attention. Therefore, I am writing what people always write in moments like these: trivia.

Do you know about polydactyl cats? I didn’t, until my son realized that the kitten we were planning on adopting had “mittens” for feet. Sure enough…the cat has thumbs. All the females in the litter did, as well as the Mom. Intrigued (and more than a little overwhelmed by how cute it is), I set out to do some research. Continue reading