Blueprint for the Disintegration of America

Recently, there has been an increasing amount of talk centering on the possibility (or even probability) that President Bush and his administration are going to declare martial law and bring around a new fascist state. There has been a lot of predictable nodding and hand-wringing on one side, and just as equally predictable laughter and dismissal on the other. What we’re going to do here is take a serious look at the situation, what is, and then outline one simple path for what could be, and then explore what can be done about it.
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Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

This article started as a comment I made on another thread. The more I thought about it, the more I thought that what I had said there wasn’t enough. It seems clear that this is the most important topic of our times. This is what is making me grind my teeth at night; this is what is making me worry that no matter how hard we fight for valid elections, Constitutional laws, government accountability, and so on we are still going to lose the things most precious to us if the fear behind them isn’t addressed.

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